
Wellness Hospitality Conference 2024

Seminar agenda

21 novembre 2024

Registrazione partecipanti

08:30 - 09:20
09:45 - 10:10Main Hall

Magpies, Oyster Shells and Booby Traps: A welless wellophilia?

The hospitality sector looks at wellness as a next big money maker. And yes, it could be. To some. A successful wellness value proposition requires magpies. Then you need to turn away from oysters, and most importantly need not to fall for booby traps. Nothing is worse than a wellless space with a big 'wellness'...

Coffee breaks and networking

11:15 - 11:45
12:45 - 13:05Main Hall

Changing demand for spa and wellness services in hotels

Since the early 2000's almost every hotel has some form of a spa and fitness facility -from basic to very elaborate, depending on the budget and the type of hotel. In simple terms the facilities are fitness, treatment rooms and possibly a thermal bathing (formerly the wet area) and a pool. The choice of facilities...

Lunch break and networking

13:05 - 14:30

Coffee breaks and networking

16:00 - 16:30
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